Monday, December 22, 2008

Three posts over at U2

Over at my other blog I have made a few short posts that you might find interesting

Sunday, December 14, 2008

The spin on passwords for AES

In Are AES-256 keys too Large? I discussed that 256-bit keys will fall short of their implied security when derived from passwords or embedded in protocols with other cryptography. To achieve the equivalent of 256-bit security users would need to select 40 character passwords at random, and protocols would need to employ RSA keys with at least 13,000 bits. At times 256-bit keys are just too big for their own good.

Nonetheless AES-256 is being widely deployed since it conveniently lies at the intersection of good marketing and pragmatic security. In upgrading from AES-128 to AES-256 vendors can legitimately claim that their products use maximum strength cryptography, and key lengths can be doubled (thus squaring the effort for brute force attacks) for a modest 40% performance hit.

Perhaps this reasoning prevailed at Adobe when they recently upgraded their document encryption scheme from AES-128 in v8 to AES-256 in v9. However Adobe later had to announce that v9 in fact offers less security against brute force attacks as compared to v8. What went wrong? They forgot about the spin.

The Spin Factor

A well-known standard for converting passwords (or in fact arbitrary bit strings) into cryptographic keys is the password-based cryptography standard PKCS #5 from RSA. PKCS #5 has been stable at version 2 for almost 10 years now, and has also been published as RFC 2898. PKCS #5 defines a generic PBKDF (Password-Based Key Derivation Function) to produce a cryptographic key from a password or passphrase

Key = PBKDF( salt, password, iteration count)

PBKDF takes the bit string and salt value, and repeatedly applies a pseudo-random function, such as a hash function, to produce the cryptographic key.

The number of applications of the hash function is called the iteration count. Both the salt and the iteration count have been introduced to thwart exhaustive attacks. The salt increases the space required to store a table of pre-computed password/key pairs, while the iteration counts increases the cost of computing a single password guess. PKCS #5 recommends that the iteration count be at least 1,000. Additional operations inserted to slow down performance for security reasons are also called spin.

Too Little Spin

Let's get back to Adobe with these ideas in mind. In Adobe v8, 50 calls to the MD4 hash function were required as well as 20 calls to RC4 to perform a single password guess. This limited the password guess rate to about 50,000 trials/second on a modern Intel processor. However in v9 the PBKDF computation was replaced by a single call to SHA-256, which according to ElcomSoft, allows a highly optimised attacker to undertake over 73 million trials/second. Attackers can brute force their way through the password space 1500 times faster in v9 than in v8.

Adobe has said that the intention of the changes from v8 to v9 were to make encrypted documents open faster, which they certainly achieved as compared to v8. But in this case security can only decrease when encryption key lengths are increased but are still bootstrapped off the same password base. To their credit, Adobe increased the length of passwords from 32 Roman characters in v8 to a massive 127 Unicode characters in v9, so it would be possible to select a password as secure as an AES-256 key. Even so, for higher-assurance applications, Adobe continues to recommend using PKI-based encryption or Adobe LiveCycle Rights Management encryption.

Micro Spin

David LeBlanc, a well-known security professional and author, recently described Microsoft's new agile encryption to be supported in Office 2007 SP2. The Microsoft standard is based on PKCS #5 and allows for a spin of up to 10 million iterations and a salt of length 64,000. LeBlanc states that brute-forcing passwords is a real threat, so it is a necessary evil to artificially inflate the work factor of performing password trials. In other words he's a fan of spin when required.

There was more than a hint of Schadenfruende when LeBlanc stated that their new method using a spin of 50,000 was over 15,000 times "slower" than Adobe v9. To be fair, LeBlanc also provides a link to another post from July where he reviewed Microsoft's spotty Office encryption history. It's quite unpleasant reading actually, and Leblanc went as far as saying that

As of Office 2007, we do warn you that the encryption we do on the binary documents is weak. Most of the time, it's so weak that it will only act as a mild deterrent. In some cases, we missed encrypting things entirely (which is actually called out in a KB article some time ago).

My advice is that if you must encrypt a binary document, use a 3rd party tool to do it.

The line break and italics were added by me. The default encryption in Office 2007 is 40-bit RC4 and is only being corrected with the new standard available in Office 2007 SP2. Keep that in mind when using MS encryption before SP2.

Toxic Spin

If password policies are not made more complex when moving from AES-128 to AES-256 then this upgrade only brings marketing advantages but not security advantages. Deriving or bootstrapping AES keys from passwords is really an exercise in self-deception, especially when considering 256-bit keys. The discrepancy between the low entropy of passwords and the astronomical keyspace of AES-256 simply cannot be reconciled.

Adding spin to password-based computations is a workaround to the unpleasant fact that human habits and memory are vastly outmoded in today's IT environment. Everything is getting faster, better and cheaper - except us. Passwords remain the most toxic asset on the security balance sheet, but don't expect a bailout any time soon.

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Tuesday, December 9, 2008

On the Bottom of Things: reflections on a year of Blogging

The 3,000th visit to the No Tricks blog arrived on December 5th. This was as pleasant as it was unexpected, since just over a thousand people had ventured onto the blog by the end of summer. The thought of reaching even 2,000 visits by Christmas seemed to be relying on personal intervention by the jolly man in red.


The cumulative number of visits is plotted above. Linear trending indicates an average of just over 10 visits/day with the true average being just over 12. For the last four months the average has been 16 visits/day, while its up to 21 visits/day for the last two months. This is probably due to more regular posts being made in the second half of the year, and more exposure through other channels such as Twitter. A rate of 20 visits per day seems quite respectable for my efforts. But indeed, what is the effort?

The Burden of Blogging

I have made 22 posts this year so far, and expect to end up with around 30 by year end. A busy blog month for me means weekly posts, which is a modest rate compared to many casual bloggers. I am surprised how people can do so much blogging, in particular people who I surmise are near or over 40 (Chris Hoff comes to mind). In April the NYT ran an article on the 24 x 7 stress of keeping up appearances on the Web. I have eaten into a considerable amount of weekend family time getting posts out, notably to finish Counting Restricted Password Spaces. This post required an inordinate amount of mundane formatting and calculation. A satisfying post in the end, but ironically I felt that a follow-up post was required to show that the detailed counting methodology presented could be applied more generally. The ingeniously-named More on Counting Restricted Password Spaces was the product of another weekend hiding behind my laptop.

The time burden is not just writing your blog but reading those of others. To gain a sense of what was topical in security and risk blogging, I signed up to about 50 feeds via Google Reader. Such aggregators make it very easy to arrange for a tsunami of information to inundate your browser on a regular basis.

I read quite a few of the posts and scanned many more, creating my own tag cloud for arranging articles, posts and PDFs into categories, with the intention to mine them later. But I have been overwhelmed in the sense that my tag-to-post ratio is quite low. Too much time is spent on front-end processing rather than back-end writing. A blogger will be known by the quality of their output and not by the quality of their cached input.

Of Tools and Text

I have also gone through something of an Odyssey with tools to collect, calibrate, organise, represent and display information. In any survey of tooling through experimentation there is substantial waste and thrashing. Most of my information is stored in Treepad, which basically allows me to forget about the underlying directory structure on my hard disk. It is a great tool but poor on several key areas - which is a familiar pattern for most of the tools I committed to, including OneNote, Wikidpad, ConnectText and Evernote (sorry but I am not going to link those tools for you - get Hyperwords).

I also often organise ideas and references for a post in Freemind. This is yet another desktop tool to navigate information in to and out of, but for laying out post structure FreeMind is excellent. You can find the mindmap used to write Anonymity on the Edge in an interactive Flash format here.

I regularly commit the cardinal sin of editing posts long after they first appeared - if for no other reason than I am a terrible typist and proof-reader. Ominously, I recently discovered a site that produces Latex mathematics graphics for inclusion in blogs. There is a temptation to re-edit quite a few articles that were written using text-based math (yuck!) such as my post on the Birthday Paradox. Time well spent or a distraction from a new post?

On the Bottom of Things

The famous computer scientist Donald Knuth stopped using email on January 1st, 1990. His reasons were simple

Email is a wonderful thing for people whose role in life is to be on top of things. But not for me; my role is to be on the bottom of things. What I do takes long hours of studying and uninterruptible concentration. I try to learn certain areas of computer science exhaustively; then I try to digest that knowledge into a form that is accessible to people who don't have time for such study.

While I am no Knuth (who is or could be?) , in a small way I try to echo his conviction in my blog - being on the bottom of things as opposed to participation in the seething and amorphous exchange of information that defines being on top of things. I have to agree with Larry and Lou who say

Larry: Now I’m guessing you are a pretty traditional guy Lou. What’s your take on all this Internet technology?

Lou: Couldn’t support it more Larry. One of our big plays is to convince people that the place to be is “on top of things” rather than “at the bottom of things” – that is, to focus on the fleeting, not the foundational. It’s a win-win situation: people get to find a few cheap holidays and outsmart their doctor on something like the glycemic index, while we get mindshare that nothing is really relevant unless it arrives in your mailbox personally addressed to you as part of a competition.

Larry: Short term memory can be measured in mouse clicks.

Lou: Precisely. History becomes a hobby, not a lesson.

Knuth has opined that probably few people who buy his books actually really them fully. So perhaps I should not be overly disappointed that my long posts are not frequently visited - such as Quantum Computing, Zero Knowledge Proofs, and Anonymity. Being on the bottom of things is more a personal responsibility than a populatrity contest.

Pareto Posts

I had two surprise success posts which, together with the main blog page, account for about 50% of all page views. The blue below represents home page visits and the gray all other pages with less than 1% hits.


My first success (orange slice, 330 views or 7.27% of total) was a short post on the Entrust v5 PKI which links to a longish PDF explaining the product's architecture and key management functions. Certainly this is a "on the bottom of things" document. Most of the traffic comes from Wikipedia where I posted a link under the PKI topic. The lesson here was to leave links to well-visited sites that are right on your technical topic.

The second success - and the most popular post by far (green slice, 648 views or 13.61% of total) - addressed the question of whether AES-256 bit key too large? Most traffic comes directly from Google searches on AES, AES-256, or key lengths - perennial favourites to many crypto aficionados. Originally I had this material contained in a much longer post (too long) but I came to my senses and created 3 smaller articles (the other two being The Long Tail of Vulnerability for A5/1 and The Cold Boot Attack).

The lesson here is to make searchable titles visible to Google, dismembering longer posts as required. I just sliced out the PageRank details from this post and published it as stand-alone content at my new blog U2.

This liberating exercise has got me thinking about the notion of a Least Bloggable Unit.

Harvard and Bruce

Quite a few years ago now I read a book by the then dean of the Arts and Science Faculty of Harvard. He stated that the 3 goals of their undergraduate program were to

  1. Ensure students could construct a written argument
  2. Ensure students could construct a quantitative argument
  3. Receive exposure to another culture.

For me blogging is an open invitation to hone the skills of points 1 and 2 - mainly the former and the latter where applicable (I have point 3 covered after living away from Australia for almost 20 years). As I mentioned in Some Black Swans for IT Security, Bruce Schneier has mainly conquered the security world through written communication

The Black Swan aspect of Mr. Schneier is that he has achieved this status through excellent communication (and yes cunning publicity as well) rather than technical prowess. Of course he has technical prowess but that is rather common in security and cryptography. What is uncommon, or even uncanny, is the ability to explain security in terms that can be understood by non-specialists whether it be programmers, professionals, managers or executives. Bruce has literally written himself into the modern history books of security. He has shown, once again, that communication is king - the security explanation is mightier than the security deed.

Indeed the security explanation is mightier than the security deed. And blogging is the beginning of that process.

Monday, December 8, 2008

Barring an Act of God

The following is a transcript of a recent “Late Night with Larry” broadcast.

Larry: Thanks for joining us tonight and I’m pleased to welcome this evening’s guest, Louis S. Seefer, the long time head of General Souls. He’s taking some time out of his busy schedule to share his experiences and market predictions with us. It’s a pleasure to have you here Mr. Seefer.

Lou: Please, call me Lou. Most of the time people call me Lou Seefer but let’s drop the formalities tonight.

Larry: Alright, Lou, and once again thanks for taking some time to stop by.

Lou: Not at all Larry, my pleasure to be here. It’s not all presidents, oil cartels, and major tax authorities you know.

Larry: Glad to hear it, but I imagine you have to focus on the market leaders and trend makers most of the time.

Lou: Sure, but we are in a big market and in the end its penetration that counts. I mean, just last week I had a chance to meet with two neighboring families who were discussing the details of getting a dividing fence between their properties. Things were going pretty badly, I mean they were close to a reasonable agreement, when I was able to bring things back to the main issue.

Larry: The dividing fence?

Lou: No, no - just the division. Whose property was larger, whose dog was relieving himself where, who would have more shade in the afternoon. One instant sale, and one that I am counting on for the end of the month.

Larry: Sounds like you’ve still got it Lou. I mean you’ve been running GS for, well, as long as I can remember. Tell us that how you got started.

Lou: Love to Larry. It’s a great story that I never tire of. Well it all started when I had a falling out with the Old Man. Back then he was really running the show, you know, the original God Father. It was his way or the highway. Not that we had many highways back then, but you get the idea.

Larry: Indeed I do.

Lou: Anyway, the Old Man had a sweet deal. Good products, good access to clients, and an army of fanatical staff at his beck and call. He’d practically just have to think something and it would be done. And vision! Taking him on didn’t seem very wise, but I was young and foolish, well mostly foolish really.

But to his credit, the Old Man gave me some leeway, and didn’t stamp me out the first chance he had. He didn’t see any need. He really believed (and still does) that his product line is the only one with any lasting value.

Larry: I guess he’s got a point there Lou.

Lou: No doubt he has Larry, but the customer is king, or at least wants to become a king.

Larry: Wouldn’t have it any other way Lou.

Lou: Now we’re talking. So there I was out on the road, wandering from failure to failure. Anyway, there I was in an orchard one day when an apple fell on my head. Scientific stimulations aside, it tasted delicious and got me thinking. By the end of the month I had signed up my first two clients, literally tempting them away from the Old Man. Their dress sense was not particularly well developed, but dramatically improved following unforeseen changes in their accommodation and food supply. An unexpected surprise was that one of their sons eventually turned out to be a major investor. Thus I learned early on that while I was not in a family business, I was in the business of families.

Larry: Now I’m guessing you are a pretty traditional guy Lou. What’s your take on all this internet technology?

Lou: Couldn’t support it more Larry. One of our big plays is to convince people that the place to be is “on top of things” rather than “at the bottom of things” – that is, to focus on the fleeting, not the foundational. It’s a win-win situation: people get to find a few cheap holidays and outsmart their doctor on something like the glycemic index, while we get mindshare that nothing is really relevant unless it arrives in your mailbox personally addressed to you as part of a competition.

Larry: Short term memory can be measured in mouse clicks.

Lou: Precisely. History becomes a hobby, not a lesson.

Larry: Speaking of history, I guess you’re going to miss Jean-Paul, like we all will.

Lou: What a guy! JP was running one of the Old Man’s biggest and largely successful subsidiaries for over a decade. Sure we locked horns often (ok, mostly my horns), but our customers expect nothing less.

Larry: And what a showman!

Lou: No arguments there Larry. The hats, flowing robes, and the palatial HQ in Rome! Got his own Swiss security team as well.

Larry: Their hats are pretty good too.

Lou: They sure are. Anyway, I repeatedly offered JP the full range of our longevity products, at a significant discount with no tangible reduction in benefits. However he always found our product line to be too costly, preferring his own stuff based on a single book with the nominal advantages of actually working and being widely available for free.

Larry: I guess that Microsoft vs. Linux debate is not really that new.

Lou: 10-4 on that one Larry. Thankfully for us JP’s organization has a spotty PR record (which we claim no small part in establishing), and can’t quite match many of our short term benefits. Also their business plan seems fatally flawed – I mean do they really expect their clients to regularly read a few hundred pages of marketing material and attend weekly meetings?

Larry: And what about the new guy?

Lou: Well, he’s a little green but don’t forget the hats and robes. I mean it’s a tall order for their board of directors to pick two winners in a row.

Larry: Not like the Old Man and his son.

Lou: Well Larry, that was a match made in heaven. The son was a real chip off the old block. He took the existing ideas, made some key modifications and then ran with them. For a few years he worked real miracles in the Middle East market, until the local racket boys nailed him.

Larry: Yes that was a bit unethical, even by local standards. I thought the Old Man might have stepped in to do some damage control.

Lou: Yes we all thought that. I gave the son a few outs myself, laid it all at his feet if he would just sign on the dotted line. He turned me down flat. I managed to nab one of his lieutenants, but he burnt out soon after.

Larry: Even so, the son’s legacy was significant by any measure.

Lou: Sure, his long term market penetration figures are impressive. His local team took the stuff global. But where’s the growth now?

Larry: Certainly nothing like your recent figures!

Lou: Well, we had a great last century - fantastic returns, unbelievable growth and great publicity. It’s one for the history books. We can’t expect compound annual growth like that to be sustained, but it was a momentous run.

Larry: Every industry has cycles, but that boom was unprecedented. Looking back, what were the conditions that made it all possible?

Lou: That’s a good question Larry. In the end it seems quite simple. A lot of our competitors believe in this “one size fits all” approach. Buy the products, go the meetings and you can look forward to a comfortable retirement.

Larry: It’s a familiar claim.

Lou: Yeah, the Old Man’s crazy about it. His marketing people must be bored to death as they have been banging on about being “the way” for years now. Our strength is that we play to your weaknesses, and to those of the people around you. No absolutes, just what you can fit into your busy day. More management by subjectives than management by objectives – just be yourself, but worse.

Larry: Let’s talk mission statements for a moment Lou. Standard fare these days.

Lou: That they are Larry, but we’ve never had to work too hard in that department. Some of our competitors are so desperate to distinguish themselves in the market that they actually write mission statements for us. Never one to turn down a few centuries of scholarship, we quickly adopted the Seven Deadly Sins (SDS) as our vision of the future (and justification of the past). I mean you can’t buy this type of PR.

Larry: Yes, I’ve heard of that 7-step program.

Lou: Some people think of it that way. We often present SDS as a program, but that’s mainly to give over-achievers a sense of advancement. Typically we are quite content with excellence at one or two of the steps, and passing familiarity with the rest.

Larry: We’re reaching the end of our time. What’s the future hold Lou?

Lou: As always Larry the future is uncertain. In the end, we’re all playing in the Old Man’s patch, and he can turn off the water works any time he wants. Shut the market down and call in a reckoning.

Larry: Why doesn’t he?

Lou: Well the Old Man’s a big believer in the market and consumer choice. He loathes interfering in daily business, which is great for the rest of us.

Larry: So business as usual then Lou?

Lou: Looks that way Larry - barring an act of God, as they say.

Unapologetically Unstructured

I have started a new blog on Wordpress called Unapologetically Unstructured, or U2 for short. I will keep No Tricks for more polished posts and use the new blog for more ad hoc processes (i.e. what ever I want).

Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Not One in a Million, but a Million and One

The summer Olympics took place in August this year, hosted by both Beijing and Hong Kong. Every event has its own group of dedicated followers who are prepared to miss sleep and discuss their sports heroes endlessly - whether it is a freestyle swimmer, a javelin thrower, or a marathon runner. As always, one of the premier events was the 100 meter sprint where athletes complete for the title of the fastest man or woman in the world.

Top athletes will cover the 100 meter distance in less than 10 seconds, meaning that they are travelling at an average speed of 10 meters per second. Unless you have some experience in sprinting you may not appreciate this feat. Imagine what would happen if you and few of your work colleagues were to race an Olympic athlete. Well, it is likely that the results would be quite embarrassing. The Olympian would probably finish between two and five seconds—that's 20 to 50 meters—ahead of the non-olympian competitors. And if you raced later that day, the next day, the next week, and the next month, the result would always be the same. If we think of sprinting as a field of expertise, then it is simple to distinguish the experts from the non-experts. Expertise is easily demonstrated and recognized in many fields. Piano playing, ballet and cooking are examples. But there is one field where the track record of many so-called experts is quite dismal, and that is in the area of decision making.

We need look no further than information technology (IT) for predictions and decisions that have turned out to be spectacularly wrong. In 1943 the chairman and founder of IBM, Thomas Watson, thought that there was a world market for about 5 computers (they were much bigger back then). About thirty years later, Ken Olsen the then head of DEC computers, could not see why anyone would want a computer in his home. And more recently, Tim Berners-Lee spent several years trying to convince managers at CERN (the European Center for Nuclear Research) that his HTTP protocol was a good thing (he later went on to invent the World Wide Web). Apparently there is a shortage of Olympian IT decision makers.

Picture2 - book In a recent book, The Wisdom of Crowds, author James Surowiecki examines a collection of problems that seem better suited to solve by involving many non-experts rather than relying on a few experts. His book opens with an anecdote from Francis Galton, a famous British scientist, as he strolled through a country fair in 1906.

Galton came upon a contest where people were asked to guess the weight of an ox on display. Around 800 people tried their luck, paying a sixpence to guess the ox’s weight in return for the chance of winning a prize. After the contest was over, Galton decided to perform an impromptu experiment—take all the submitted guesses and see how close the average of these answers was to the true weight of the ox. Galton thought surely that the average guessed weight must be far from the true weight since so many people of varied backgrounds and abilities (a general crowd) had submitted guesses.

But to Galton’s surprise, the true weight of the ox was 1,198 pounds and the average of the guesses was 1,197 pounds. Thus a crowd of people at a country fair had collectively determined the weight of the ox to within one pound, or less than half a kilogram.

Picture3 - crowd The book goes on further to discuss which types of problems can be effectively solved by crowds, and under what conditions the crowd will be expected to produce a good solution. Risk management is about making decisions today that will protect us from the uncertainty of the future. We are not looking for one in a million (the expert) but rather a million and one (the power of many). The recent subprime debacle has highlighted the shortcomings of quantitative models. Risk scenarios and rankings produced through a consensus process involving many people (a crowd) are likely to produce more meaningful results.

Your involvement is both necessary and critical.

Tuesday, December 2, 2008

One More Risk Profile Graph

I recently posted a collection of risk graphs that I found through Google image search. There was one graph that I wanted to include but could not find again until this morning. It was produced as part of Dutch study on work-related stress in the police force. The study took the approach of identifying the main risk factors in workers' psychological profiles that impact work-related stress. The risk profile below shows a Tornado graph derived from interviewing several thousand workers in 1999 and then again five years later in 2005.


Actions were taken to reduce the most significant risk factors (rated as unfavourable on the right) which included work satisfaction, intention to leave the job, relation at work, feedback and quantitative job demands (overwork?). On the other hand, some already favourable risk factors were improved further.

The graph is neither colourful nor visually striking (easy to fix) yet I like the representation in terms of risk factors. In fact I now believe that identifying and rating the main contributing risk factors is one of the best approaches to risk analysis. I see risk factors as the basic variables in a risk model that need not be instantiated further. One could attempt to quantify and combine the risk factors above, but in my experience this exercise would prove difficult to justify and likely to be of little additional value beyond identification of the risk factors themselves.

I recently posted on risk factors for identifying malware, based on a patent application for risk-based scanning by Kapersky. Though many people disagreed that the patent would be useful, again it was the risk factor decomposition that interested me. In many instances of IT risk, the mere process of identifying and rating risk factors will bring the most value.

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